Kathmandu- On 21st July 2023, singer Prakash Saput’s new song ‘Damai Maharaj’ was released on youtube. Till then it is trending on no. 1 in youtube. Within few days of release only it has gained 7.3M views on youtube. The song is more like a short film. Awareness about racism and caste system is the main theme of the song.

The song “Damai Maharaj” was written, composed, performed, and acted in by Saput, demonstrating his range of abilities. The song is a potent allegory for the pervasive caste-based prejudice that still exists today. Saput challenges long-standing biases with unyielding conviction, claiming that no caste can ever define a person’s worth, value, or faith. Every person is born equal, deserving of respect, and unencumbered by prejudice, and the song resonates with this universal reality.

Prakash Saput, a singer, composer, model, and actor from Nepal, is well-known for his work on Nepali folk music. He is renowned for using music to spread political and social consciousness. In 2018, he became well-known to the general public thanks to the song Bola Maya. He has since delivered a tonne of hits.

Here’s the link of the song: