Kathmandu- The blockbuster Telugu-language movie RRR’s song Naatu Naatu created history by being the first Indian film song to win an Oscar. During the 95th Academy Awards, the hit song won Best Original Song, defeating superstars like Lady Gaga and Rihanna. Audiences all over the world have been enthralled by its entrancing tempo and movement.

But, Naatu Naatu, a Telugu word that means “raw” or “rustic,” which is a thunderous song that has people all around the world bopping to its beats, was India’s major winner. The song previously made history in January when it became the first original song from India to win a Golden Globe. It also received the Critics’ Choice Award for best song during the same month. The song is “the pride of every Indian,” composer MM Keeravani stated when accepting the Oscar.

Here’s the song: