Kathmandu- Music festivals have played a significant role in shaping music culture and trends over the years. These events bring together musicians and fans from different genres and regions, creating a space for shared experiences and cultural exchange.
One of the most significant ways in which music festivals shape music culture is by introducing audiences to new artists and genres. Festivals often feature a diverse lineup, which can expose fans to styles of music they may not have encountered before. This exposure can lead to a growth in popularity for these genres and an increase in the number of artists producing them.

In addition, music festivals can influence fashion trends and other cultural aspects related to music. Festivals often have a distinct aesthetic or culture associated with them, which can inspire fans to adopt certain styles or behaviors. For example, the popularity of flower crowns and bohemian fashion can be attributed in part to the influence of music festivals like Coachella.

Overall, music festivals have played a significant role in shaping music culture and trends. Through the diversity of their lineups, the exposure they provide to emerging artists, and their influence on fashion and cultural norms, festivals have helped to shape the direction of music and its impact on society.