Kathmandu- On 1 April 1951, the government-run Radio Nepal was founded, and it quickly became the center around which Nepalese music developed. When Radio Nepal was first established, it served as a transmission hub. At the time, there were no facilities for recording. In the history of recording, 1968 was a watershed year. Radio Nepal is now Nepal’s first recording studio thanks to assistance from abroad, which also allowed for the installation of recording facilities for music, plays, and talk shows. Major improvements were made to the recording studio in 1968. Acoustic treatment, control rooms, and other high-end recording and editing tools like mixers, microphones, transmitters, and other necessary “accessories” were all provided by British engineers during the building and installation of the studio. The machines were subsequently put to use after being trained by Nepali specialists. Of course, back then, recording was carried out using an analog technology. Before the “ideal” take, there would be take after take of recording and rehearsal.

While some of the equipment put in place in 1968 is still in service, other pieces have aged out and are now being sold at auction as antiques.