John Chamling’s enchanting musical creation, ‘Hawa Jastai,’ has soared past the 10 million mark in YouTube views. Released just  months ago, this soulful composition has captivated audiences worldwide with its melodic charm.

Chamling, known for his unique blend of contemporary and traditional musical influences, expressed heartfelt gratitude to his supporters for this overwhelming milestone. ‘Hawa Jastai’ has not only amassed views but also garnered widespread acclaim for its emotive storytelling and musical brilliance.The song’s universal themes of love, longing, and hope have resonated deeply with listeners across cultures, earning it a special place in the hearts of music enthusiasts. As the view count continues to climb, ‘Hawa Jastai’ stands as a testament to Chamling’s artistry and ability to create musical masterpieces that transcend boundaries, touching the souls of millions around the globe.