Nepathya, the most celebrated folk rock band of Nepal are on a 3 week musical tour to Australia. They are performing at 3 major cities in Australia: Melborune, Adelaide and Sydney. This is their fourth musical concert in Australia and targets Nepalese student music lovers in Australia.  They will be performing in Melbourne on 8th of July, Adelaide on 15th of July and Sydney on 22nd of July. Coincidently this is also their silver jublee year. The organizers expect a minimum of 7 thousand crowd in the concert.

Nepathya is already in Melbourne with a 10 men team for their first concert. With Armit Gurung as the frontman, Niraj Gurung on guitar, Dhurba Lama on the drums, Suraj Kumar Thapa on Keyboard, Subin Shakya on bass and Shanti Bahadur Rayamajhi on percussion, they will also be assisted by an additional four-person technical team.