The Class 9 Project is a musical duo formed by two childhood friends, Pragyan Subedi and Angel Upadhyay. ‘The Class 9 Project’ is a musical duo based in Kathmandu, Nepal. They have just released an album (EP) named ‘Lovechild’ which consists of 5 songs namely, ‘Lovechild’, ‘Blueberry Cupcake’, ‘She is peace’, ‘Wildflower’ and ‘The night’. The vocals on the album are done by Angel Upadhyay whereas all the songs are written and composed by Pragyan Subedi. People living inside Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur can get the album home delivered to them by filling out a simple form at:
Also, the entire album will be up on major digital music stores soon.
Album Art: Merishna Singh Suwal
The album is an independent release so the cost is only Rs. 200. They are looking forward to release a full length album in the coming years.