Sajish Shrestha mostly recognized by his moniker VZN recently “Talk of the TikTok”. We said TikTok instead of town because as we all know, the whole town is there. Jokes apart, our boy really is shining.

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Most probably only LGBTQ-related artist who goes by the pronoun He/Him, the boy really is something. He has been releasing one after another jolley numbers which are very fun to listen to.

Likewise, his Recent release “Bhuntey Ki Aama” is being so popular on every social media platform, mostly TikTok. Just like every song of his, it contains phrases with daily conversational stuff that catch your mind so promptly and keep playing on a loop in the back of your head.

Music Video itself is so fun. It’s like watching some 70s cheesy MV of some cheesy love songs.  People are loving the vibe so much. He himself is performing in the video alongside another famous TikToker Tisha Shakya Karanjit. She is so unreally pretty and talented.


We are so happy that he is been recognized, hard work sure pays off.