The Nepalese army is popular in the whole world as Gurkha army. They are renowned in the world for their bravery. Gurkhas are the solider of Nepali nationality. Army of Nepali nationality are recruited all over the world. People of Nepalese origin serving the British army, Singapore army,french army, Indian army,etc are all termed as the Gurkha army.They are known for their heroic act in the world at times of war. “It is better to die than be a coward” is the motto of Nepalese Gurkha army. They are one of the most finest and most feared army in the world.

Everyone feared the Gurkha army during the Second World war. Greman chancellor Hitler once said, “Give me the Gurkha Army and I will conquer the world!!”. Historically, the terms “Gurkha” and “Gorkhali” were synonymous meaning “Pahadi” and derived from the hill town and district of Gorkha.Gorkha is a district located in the Western Development Region of Nepal.The district is connected historically with the creation of the modern Nepal and the name of the legendary Gurkha soldiers. It is the place where King Prithivi Narayan Shah was born and the unification process of Nepal started. Because of this Nepal is also renowned in the world as “the land of Gorkhas”.

Here is one patriotic national song “Bir Gorkhali” by the legendary Mantra Band performed live in Pokhara. Enjoy…