Music is passion and we all love it, even we can’t imagine our life without music. Music doesn’t barriers about age, religion and race, but its connected each other. Everybody can play and sing if they have passion and determine towards music.

Nowadays, the guitar is becoming a very interesting instrument around youngsters. Everyone wants to play guitar and became a rock star. Many people easily get that opportunity to prove themselves and some people can’t get it. We can see many examples and the legends around this world including Nepal.

Basically, we can see guitarist looks rough, long hair with heavy tattoos on their body. Not all guitarists look same, but many of them different from those rough guitarists. In fact, they look anything from their outfit it doesn’t matter, but the main thing we should respect their talent, which comes from inner.

There is so beautiful saying in English “Never judge a book by its cover.” Really, we are never and ever judging anyone by their look and outfit but we should always appreciate their talent. In this video, we can see the lady who looks like very simple, even she doesn’t look like a guitarist from her outlook. But she has surprises to all by her solo performance. Really, this lady rocks the stage from her play skill.