There’s a common stereotype in our society, “Sio ta Bandaina Nepal ma…”. But, did you know? High-quality superior tone guitars are handcrafted here in Nepal. Yes, you heard it right. Mr. Sunny Tuladhar, the lead guitarist of Jindabad– an alternative rock/ metal band is the man behind this incredible and exciting job. Sunny, a former member of Atomic Bush, is greatly appreciated for his guitar works in the song Sano Prakash. Having played alongside Ron Thal Bumble Foot(ex-guitarist of Guns And Roses) during his visit to Nepal in May 2016, Sunny is also considered one of the finest guitarists in the country.

With years of study and experience playing and repairing the guitar, he along with his brother Romus started making their own guitar. They initially started out making copies of various international brands which served as cheap alternatives to the highly expensive brands such as Gibson, Fender, LesPaul, and so on. At present, they are fully dedicated to their own brand, entitled “ST Custom Guitar”.

Their work is really a milestone, not only in the Nepali Music industry but also from an engineering and craftmanship point of view. Their hard work and dedication serve as an example for society that “if there is a will there is a way”. Their work has paved the path for other enthusiasts as well. We wish them all the best with their craftmaship. So, the saying should better be rephrased as “Sio Chai Bandaina Raixa Nepal ma..”.

Watch them embedding an Underside logo on the fretboard.