Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Mega Challenge was a special installment of the popular Indian Sa Re Ga Ma Pa vocal contest shown on Zee TV. This show was a seven-week-long competition among eight teams representing eight different states and consisting of total 24 talented contestants from past seasons of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa.
Two teams were competing against each other each week starting October 30, 2009, to head towards the finales. The show was made to celebrate the 1000th episode of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, and the Grand Finale on Dec 12, 2009 marked the 1000th episode of this great singing competition – a historic moment for any show on Indian television. Notable Indian singers and musicians were selected for each of the episodes to make the decisions as the judges.
A video of the Bengali version of the competition has been making waves in social media. In the video that has been garnering million of views overnight; two contestants can be seen singing popular Nepali songs. Watch the video.