One of the finest Gypsy-Jazz Guitarist of Nepal Hari Maharjan recently performed instrumental piece of his own composition in collaboration with various artists on floor of Nepal Ice. The composition named as Sudina as said by Maharjan is all about good vibes and positive energy.

The performance included various modern and traditional instruments such as Sitar, Flute, Drum, Saxophone, keyboard etc. According to him, there was time constraint for this performance and he also told that instruments used somewhere couldn’t match the harmony of his original composition and therefore, he wants it to record with some western instruments. Despite of all these, the performance was breathtaking. For which, he would like to thanks the artist for their support.

According to Maharjan, this instrumental is one of the tracks to be included in his upcoming album “Going into three” which will be released very soon. Maharjan said that it was his dream to include string quartet in his composition, so now his dream has been fulfilled. The track Sudina will be named as ‘Awakening of Sudina’. The track will kick off with the 2 min composition of single quartet. The track is to be recorded in Holland with the finest artist of Netherlands with various western instruments. This instrumental piece has been one of the special compositions for him. This composition was arranged around 14 years ago and from time being many famous artists has requested him to make a song out of this composition. But he wanted to keep it in original so has refused those request and is preparing to make it a different version in Holland and release it very soon. In his this third album, there are altogether 9 tracks and this one is one of them.

Here we have the video of SUDINA performed by Hari maharjan. Enjoy the video…